MAY 11 – MAY 17
I must confess, I have been a bit disheartened this week, but it’s not because of what’s going on in the world because I totally trust that every thing and every event, is divinely orchestrated and that everything happens for a reason; even if we don’t consciously understand it.
What is saddening my heart, is witnessing how aggressive and nasty people are becoming towards one another and how their fear is making them quick to judge, denigrate and dismiss. Very few spiritual seekers in fact seem willing to step out of their comfort zones to entertain a different perspective or at the very least, respect other people’s opinions. Instead, many are choosing to insult the intelligence, experience and spiritual integrity of their friends and peers, as well as people they have never even met before. It’s such a shame as all this does is disperse our energy and make the journey longer and harder than it need be. When we give negativity free reign, it just serves to manifest our darkest nightmares, almost within the space of 24 hours.
If we are going to have any hope of getting through this mass collective catharsis with our wings in tact, we really need to pull together and focus on how similar we are; not on how different we may be. I believe it’s our differences that make us stronger.
When we fight, we unconsciously co-create further separation and that is exactly what the elite powers want. When we argue and defiantly defend our belief systems out of fear, we are doing their work for them. All they need to do is sit back and keep pulling the puppet strings till we end up maneuvering ourselves into a corner that we have no hope of getting out of and if that happens, we are all stuffed. As is the next generation.
So. In this newsletter I want to focus on the astrology instead of what’s happening on social media because our current situation is actually written in the stars (more than it usually is) this week. It all starts tomorrow when Saturn goes retrograde (in Capricorn, till September 29).
As of tomorrow, we will enter a 10-day phase where each day and its universal date mirror one another, effectively creating a double portal or double code from May 10 to May 19. What this means is when you add the numbers of the day – 11+5+2020=11 – that matches the actual day date. I mentioned this last week and how it is an incredible cosmic opportunity for us to utilize the power of the Scorpio full moon (plus Wesak with the Buddha and Christ energies that started streaming through) and to start manifesting massive and positive galactic shifts for humanity.
Monday kicks it off with the #11 portal being all about divine inspiration, new beginnings and new windows of opportunity opening up limitless vibrations of harmony, joy and abundance, plus with Saturn being the Lord of Karma – and moving into Aquarius – this ensures that whatever no longer serves the highest good of all, will be exposed, dissolved and resolved.
Wednesday sees Venus move into Her retrograde (till June 25) in Gemini and on this particular hump day we have the Divine Feminine energy illuminating anything related to self love, life purpose, your personal (spiritual) message and honoring the seasonal cycles. This energy will essentially wake us up to the importance of re-aligning with Mother Nature, to our own innate divinity (regardless of sexual orientation) and to the necessity of healing our wounds in order to be healthy, happy and live in harmony with all sentient beings.
The day after on Thursday 14, the planet of expansion and abundance, Jupiter, goes retrograde (in Capricorn till September 12). This is an invitation for us all to go within and deepen our commitment to our personal work, for when we do this, we are more likely to receive the perspectives and teachings of other’s, with less judgment, more compassion and a sense of curiosity. However, we cannot do this unless we have cleared all our own triggers and inner dialogues connected to fear, lack and loss first. If we remain enslaved to our ego and keep defining ourselves via identity and achievements, we will never get the bigger lessons that are on offer from the universe right now – those of love, unity and conscious collaboration.
For the next 10 days, I encourage you to devote just a few minutes a day – or you can do it morning and night, up to you – meditating with the specific intention of manifesting the world you dream of. Charge up your imagination, visualize peace, equality, the eradication of the Cabal (send them to god to be dealt with) and 5G and an end to all human trafficking. See those responsible for crimes against humanity, receiving their karmic justice (thanks to Saturn) and anything else your heart wants and desires for the good of all. See nature recovering from pollution and our lives (and freedoms) being returned to us. See self governance, self love and self sovereignty creating a new awakened society where everyone remembers who they are and how they can serve the collective. Call it in and watch the magic happen!
I will continue to see clients for remote and in person shamanic sessions at a discounted price ($200), so please book online if you need support and here is the link for my next I AM Activation online training. Here's what one of my lovely students had to say:
"Denby’s I AM Presence training was way more powerful than I could have imagined! And I’ve done many meditation styles over many years. She teaches big concepts in any easy to understand way so they really land in your body. This is my all time favorite meditation practice." (J. Hocking)
Here is the link for my June Home Retreat as well:
My next free yoga class, The Big Slow, is Saturday 16 @ 4pm and the Zoom link will be added to the event a few days before. I will continue with these 'community health' classes for as long as is necessary so I do hope you can join me. They’re on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Just a short sharing this week but as you have probably seen, I have been very vocal on social media of late, exposing injustice, putting up videos and speaking truth when guided and despite being monitored (as we all are in case you weren’t aware), I will continue to educate others with whatever information I find that opposes the mainstream narrative because this is how we evolve! Take it or leave it, I am not attached. All I ask is that you use critical thinking, read some of the articles, watch some of the downloads and then process it all through your heart – not your head – because that way, you will find your truth; and add to the group frequency, rather than detract from it.
I am exploring other social media platforms and intend to move when I find one, but I will give you plenty of notice of course. In the meantime, you can still find me on Facebook (Denby Sheather, Denby does Dharma and my personal page, Denby Jane) and on Instagram (Denby Sheather and manayogamedicine and yogaspiritjourneys).
My Mana Yoga books will arrive this week (YAAY!) so if you’re keen for a signed copy please message me so I can put one aside for you. $50 including postage (within Australia). I will receive the links for the online distributors soon also if you wish to purchase the color Ebook or share the links with your yoga friends and networks.
I hope all the mamas and grandmamas out there – and the mothering carers of all kinds – had a peaceful day today and I would also like to send out love and healing to all mothers who are separated from their children, who have lost babies or who are suffering right now somewhere around the world in any way. Including all the animal mamas.
May we all wake up and appreciate our Great Mother and one another before its too late.
Love and strength to you all and enjoy your 10 days of manifesting miracles!