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Time & Location

09 August 2019 – 18 August 2019

Masuwe Lodge, Jafuta Forest Road,

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

About The Retreat

Yoga Spirit Journeys ventures to Mother Africa for an inspiring, life changing week. Like all our adventures, we will share a week of remedial yoga and soul seeking meditations, full moon ceremonies to connect with the ancestors of the land, but in Zimbabwe, we will commune with elephants and lions and take our experience of life and wilderness, next level.


We will nourish our bellies with delicious cuisine, embalm our bodies with pampering massage and balance our bodies with daily mindfulness and musings. There will be plenty of time to pause and relax in your own company as well – from the edge of the newly sparkle-encrusted pool or your snug hammock-with-a-waterhole-view.


Our intention is to create a safe and sacred space for you so you can unwind in your own way, allowing for new awareness and awakening and helping to open your heart so you may receive the powerful energies this savannah wilderness offers.




Imagine the adrenalin rush as you sit poised at dawn watching a family of elephants plunge into the river beside our boat for their morning dip, or the tingles flooding your body as you observe a pride of lions sizing up a shiver of unsuspecting zebras as they meander past our 4WD. Picture yourself waking up with a big stretch and looking out your window to see giraffes doing the same, lengthening their limbs around the camp waterhole to get a cool drink before the days’ heat starts to climb. Or the thrill at spotting a pack of playful hyenas barking and wrestling with each other, perfectly camouflaged among the black and golden savannah grasses when you least expect it.


Nothing will prepare you for this natural, spiritual adventure in the motherland.


This is life in its’ rawest most real expression, and as such, it will simultaneously tear your heart apart and fuse it back together with deeper understanding, compassion and appreciation of the inter-connectedness of all living beings on earth. It will awaken within you, the ancient memories common to us all; those of greater tribal responsibility, and response-ability; of silent and grateful witness; of engaged and intricate participant; and above all, as privileged custodians with a soul duty to commune with all creatures and to protect and conserve for the benefit of all.


Sit on land so ancient you can feel the sacred vibration of past ceremonies and healing chants moving through the bloodlines of the earth and up through your base. Rise intuitively with the sun to open up to an expansive yoga practice and reconnecting with yourself in new and exhilarating ways. Watch the sun’s last rays caress the hot and often haunted horizon before settling down to gaze upon the night sky awash with sparkling stars and feel a renewed sense of awe and wonder.


Zimbabwe is one of the oldest regions in Africa, connected to the royal tribes of Ethiopia, the legends of the Queen of Sheba and the prophecies of ancient Rome and Egypt. She is deeply sacred and profoundly moving. Imagine aligning your soul’s pulse with country, and finding yourself, in the middle of nowhere.


Here at the junction of Zimbabwe and Zambia, the African motherland where mankind first birthed, we open our hearts and minds and tether our bodies to the powerful, ancient and transformative energies that infuse this limitless landscape. We allow ourselves to hear the calling of the ancestors and receive messages that can help us on our journey through life. Working on the self like this helps us to not only resolve old personal wounds and repetitive patterns, it makes us clearer and stronger conduits in service to All, and when that happens we begin remembering who we really are, why we are here and how precious our planet actually is.


If spending a week in this magnificent continent, sharing authentic and conscious adventures with other soul travelers and connecting with a kaleidoscope of rare and exquisite wildlife, without sacrificing your creature comforts - whose ancestors represent the oldest indigenous culture in the world - sounds like your thing, then please reserve your spot soon.


This promises to be the trip of a lifetime.


To register your interest in one of 9 VIP spots, please email

© 2021 Denby Sheather

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